the Art of Dining Etiquette, Make a Lasting Impression

#DiningEtiquette #ProfessionalImage #BusinessDiningSkills


3.5 hours

Language of Delivery

Cantonese or English


In the business world, knowing proper dining etiquette is essential for making a positive impression and building successful relationships.

The “Table Reserved…Now What? Basics of Western Dining Etiquette” workshop is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate dining situations with confidence and grace.

Tailored specifically for young professionals embarking on their careers, this half-day workshop provides practical guidance on dining posture, utensil usage, ordering etiquette, and social aspects of dining in the context of business entertaining.

interior of a classic restaurant
Photo by Rene Asmussen on

Course Details


The objective of this workshop is to empower participants with the fundamentals of Western dining etiquette so they can feel confident and make a positive impression in various dining situations. By the end of the session, participants will have a solid understanding of dining posture, the proper use of utensils, ordering etiquette, and the social skills necessary for successful dining in professional settings.


The workshop combines interactive elements such as lectures, interactive Q&A sessions, and short, consultant-assisted role-playing segments. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their skills during a three-course meal, guided by the consultant. Tips and additional information will be shared in between courses. The trainer encourages participants to ask questions throughout the session for real-time answers and guidance.

Trainer will start by conducting a 45-minute fun and interactive lecture, after which participants will eat a three-course meal under consultant’s guidance. Consultant will do additional tips- sharing in between courses. Trainer encourages participants to ask questions throughout session so that queries can be answered real time and in-the- moment.

Key Takeaways

Participants will leave this workshop equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate Western dining situations with confidence and professionalism. They will understand the importance of dining etiquette in building relationships and making a positive impression. By mastering the basics of Western dining etiquette, participants will elevate their professional image and feel at ease in company functions, networking events, and dinner parties.

  • Feel confident and enjoy dining at company functions, networking events, and dinner parties Interactive
  • Naturalize basic skills so you can focus on more important things of the dining experience
  • Learn how to use common dining utensils for a standard three-course Western restaurant meal
  • Master essential physical skills associated with Western dining
  • Learn the social skills that accompany any meal
  • Why dining etiquette is important for young professionals
  • Using meals to show confidence and differentiate yourself
  • Dining posture and body language
  • Understanding the order and use of utensils
  • Etiquette of ordering in a restaurant setting
  • Essential dos and don’ts of dining etiquette
  • Mastering a three-course meal (soup, main course, dessert)
  • Handling special and unexpected situations during a meal
  • Social aspects of dining in the context of business entertaining
  • General etiquette rules that apply to meals
  • Summary and optional evaluation
Target Participants

This workshop is ideal participants who are embarking on their careers and want to enhance their professional image and feel confident in dining situations.