Making Positive Impacts


A Collaboration with V Cycle Hong Kong

V Cycle is a social enterprise tackling Hong Kong’s environmental issues on both an ecological and human level. By coupling the two, we can empower the underprivileged and protect the natural world.

The Curioust team has been invited to be the Learning Experience Design Partner to re-design their corporate sustainability program and co-facilitate to make better impact to corporate clients: Young Living Hong Kong Limited, Covestro (Hong Kong) Limited

Keynote Speech

Eric Swinton and Amito Li adocating sustainability for 1,000+ of audience at Young Living Annual Convention 2022.

Corporate Workshops

Running Corporate Sustainability Program with workshops, employee engagement and Plastic Challenge across 6 months for Covestro.

Parent-and-Kid Workshops

Raising plastic recycling awareness to parents and kids with fun worksohps at Young Living Experience Centre.


Working with OneBite Social

Leveraging our experience in facilitation, we support OneBite Design Studio to co-facilitate public engagement workshops to create inclusive public spaces in Hong Kong.

Hike and Seek: Design Thinking Workshops for Hiking Supporting Facilities at Lantau | 賞山樂山– 大嶼山山徑設施設計思維工作坊

就地玩 Here To Play 遊樂場設計思維工作坊