White Chopesticks, Black Chopsticks, and Why the Metal Spoon is Not for Eating

#ChineseDiningEtiquette #MasteringChineseDining #CulturalSavvy


2.5 hours

Language of Delivery

Cantonese or English


This session is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate Chinese dining settings with confidence and grace.

Whether attending company functions, festive celebrations, or formal banquets, understanding and practicing proper dining etiquette is crucial for building relationships and showcasing cultural sensitivity.

Through a combination of engaging lectures, interactive Q&A sessions, and role-playing segments, this workshop will take you on a journey to master the art of Chinese dining and enhance your cultural intelligence.

luxury restaurant hall interior with ornaments on the ceiling
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Course Details


The objective of this workshop is to provide participants with a deep understanding of modern Chinese dining etiquette and its significance in business and social contexts. By the end of the session, participants will feel confident and enjoy dining at various Chinese dining settings. They will acquire essential physical and social skills associated with Chinese dining, learn the nuances of ordering, navigating utensils, and giving appropriate attention to non-food elements. The workshop aims to naturalize basic skills, allowing participants to focus on the cultural context and build meaningful connections during Chinese dining experiences.


This workshop employs a dynamic and interactive approach to learning. The session begins with a fun and engaging 30-minute lecture, followed by interactive Q&A sessions to address participants’ queries in real-time. Short role-playing segments, facilitated by the consultant, provide practical experience and hands-on learning. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a multi-course meal under the consultant’s guidance, with additional tips-sharing between courses. The workshop encourages active participation and fosters a supportive learning environment.

Key Takeaways
  • Feel confident and enjoy dining at company functions, festive celebrations, and formal banquets.
  • Master essential physical skills associated with Chinese dining, including posture, utensil usage, and ordering etiquette.
  • Understand the cultural significance and social dynamics of Chinese dining beyond the food itself.
  • Learn how to differentiate themselves, score points, and give appropriate attention to non-food elements.
  • Develop cultural sensitivity and enhance their ability to build meaningful connections during Chinese dining experiences.
  • Why is dining etiquette important
  • Use meal to show confidence, differentiate, and score points
  • Dining posture
  • Chinese utensils and how they differ depending on whom you dine with and what restaurant you eat in
  • Etiquette of ordering, how much (and how many dishes) to order, foods to avoid
  • Essential dos and don’ts
  • Mastering a multi-course Chinese meal
  • Giving gifts, giving face, and giving due attention to all the things that have nothing to do with food
  • Business entertaining and the role that alcohol plays
  • General etiquette rules that also apply to meals
  • Summary + evaluation
Target Participants

Professionals engaging in business with Chinese partners or clients, individuals attending Chinese festive celebrations, and anyone interested in mastering modern Chinese dining etiquette. Suitable for participants of all backgrounds and prior knowledge levels.