the Power of Strengths for Optimal Team Performance; Harnessing Individual Strengths to Drive Collective Success

#StrengthsBasedLeadership #HighPerformingTeams #MaximizeTeamPotential


3.5 hours

Language of Delivery

Cantonese, English or Mandarin


In this dynamic half-day workshop, leaders will explore the transformative potential of strengths-based leadership to maximize team performance.

By shifting the focus from weaknesses to strengths, participants will uncover their own unique strengths and learn strategies to leverage them for peak performance.

Through interactive exercises and coaching dialogues, leaders will gain the tools and techniques to inspire and empower team members to shine in their individual areas of strength, leading to increased engagement, collaboration, and overall team success.

Course Details


The objective of this workshop is to equip leaders with the knowledge, insights, and practical skills to maximize team performance through strengths-based leadership.

Participants will discover their own strengths, identify potential risk areas, and develop strategies to leverage strengths for enhanced individual and team performance.

By the end of the workshop, leaders will be able to create action plans to apply strengths-based approaches in their daily leadership practices, fostering a high-performing and engaged team culture.


This workshop incorporates a blend of interactive presentations, individual reflection exercises, group discussions, and coaching dialogues. Participants will engage in strengths assessment activities (using the Strengthscope® Assessment or alternative tool) to gain self-awareness, explore case studies to apply strengths-based approaches, and participate in coaching dialogues to practice empowering team members. The workshop encourages active participation, peer learning, and practical application of concepts.

Key Takeaways

Participants will learn how to:

  • Bust the myths of traditional management approaches and embrace strengths-based leadership
  • Discover and understand their own unique strengths through the Strengthscope® Assessment (or alternative tool)
  • Identify and minimize potential risk areas that may hinder team performance
  • Utilize the 3A Coaching Dialogue (Aspirations, Awareness, Actions) to inspire and empower team members
  • Boost team performance by leveraging individual strengths and creating a strengths-focused environment
  • Translate awareness of strengths into actionable steps through the creation of personalized action plans
  • Introduction and Workshop Overview
  • Bust the Myths of Management and Focus on Strengths
  • Discovering Your Own Strengths with Strengthscope® Assessment
  • Identifying and Minimizing Potential Risk Areas to Performance
  • The 3A Coaching Dialogue: Aspirations, Awareness, Actions
  • Boosting Team Performance by Leveraging Strengths
  • Translating Awareness into Action: Creating Action Plans
  • Summary, Individual Action Planning, and Close of Workshop
What’s Strengthscope® Assessment?

To enable participants to clearly identify their own unique strengths, participants are highly recommended to complete the Strengthscope® Assessment prior to attending the training.

As the only strengths profile registered with British Psychology Society (BPS) registered test status, Strengthscope® is a complete and innovative strengths profiling system that measures work related strengths.

The Strengthscope® profile report provides information on:

  1. Participant’s significant strengths
  2. Participant’s critical performance risks, including weaker areas and
    overdone strengths, and how to deal more positively with these

License fee of Strengthscope® profile report: HK$600 per participant.

If there is budget concern, Strengthscope® Assessment can be replaced by another simplified tool namely Strengths Cards.

Target Participants

Suitable for managers, team leaders, and anyone interested in maximizing team performance through a strengths-based approach. It is beneficial for individuals who want to enhance their leadership skills, build stronger teams, and create a positive work environment.